August 4, 2011

What's Pwning Me and I'm Sorry!

My apologies friends for neglecting my recs! Life's been busy with work and family emergencies and all kinds of crazy.

I'm currently working on my novel so I'm not updating as much as I should be and I do apologize for not having lots of lovely Torn and Peeper updates. I did post a Peeper outtake, the EPOV of Stripperella taking his V-card- 
I also put up a one shot for my beta Sunshinegal3's birthday- This Life and it has Bikersper :)
Now on to the good stuff!

 Fics that own my ass:

A River Between Us by WildRedPoppies - Lordward and Bookella. It's Flangsty.
Inside Man by O_oza Prisonward and Youngella. Ridiculously angsty and makes me whine a lot!
From the Cup of Duty by LadyExcalibur2010. Fantastic histfic staring Kingward and Maidella! <3 And the author is NOT, I repeat, NOT a douchcanoe!
Mail Order Bride/ Bear Valley Ranch by Lady Gwynedd How's about some Rustlerward and Prairiella?! So so so well written!
Dear Mr. Masen by jendonna. Some more Flangst with a side of nerd. Always good. And she made a tough Bella which is always a plus.
And the two I'm waiting to wrap up are Secret Sex and Wrenfield Hall, but these girls have just had wee babes, so I'm not being a PITA, but I would loooooove to read the epilogues for these!

Tell them I sent you and give them lots of love!


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